Ancient ways for modern people
We're an open-hearted group of folks trying to live out the call to seek and serve Christ in all people. When you're here, you'll experience ancient traditions shared by modern people. Bring your faith and your doubt, your truths and your questions, your hopes and your anxieties. We believe God loves the entirety of who you are.
Christ Church has stood at the corner of Second and South Streets in Warwick for over 150 years. While much has changed around us, our common mission remains: to love God with all we have, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

The Episcopal faith
The Episcopal Church is a part of the the world-wide Anglican Communion. We have long called ourselves "The Via Media": the middle way between Catholicism and Protestantism. If you come from a Catholic background, the service will feel familiar. If you come from a Protestant background, our emphasis on the Word and good preaching will resonate. And if you come from no Christian tradition at all, know you're just as welcome as those who have spent their lives here.
We hold to the Creeds, believe Scripture to be inspired by God and contain everything necessary to salvation, and are united by our common prayers. At Christ Church, you won't find agreement over every theological, political, or social issue. We believe that is a strength, not a hindrance. But what you will find are an engaged, thoughtful, and prayerful congregation ready to be about the work of seeing God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.