Baptisms, marriages, and funerals at Christ Church

We welcome all to be baptized here. The only requirement is that you feel called to continue (or begin) active participation in the life of Christ Church. Parents and godparents will meet for a baptismal preparation class with the Rector prior to baptism.
Baptisms are normally celebrated on Sunday mornings on the Feast of the Baptism of Christ (early January), Easter Vigil (Saturday evening before Easter Sunday), the Day of Pentecost (late May or early June), All Saints’ Sunday (early November), and a summer Sunday in July as we celebrate the anniversary of the founding of Christ Church.
Marriage is the solemn and joyful occasion of uniting two persons in wedlock before God and the church. If you are an active member of Christ Church who wishes to be married in our church, please schedule a conversation with our Rector.
The Canons of the Episcopal Church require that all couples complete a course of premarital conversations with the officiating priest or with a professional counselor approved by the officiating priest. Review and approval by the Bishop are required if a divorced person with a living ex-spouse seeks to re-marry in the Episcopal Church. We are honored to officiate same-sex marriages in our parish.
At the Time of Death
Our Rector is available to provide the rituals and sacraments of the church for those who are dying. She can provide Holy Communion for those who are still able to receive it, anointing for those who are dying, and prayers of commendation for those who have died.
The death of a member of the church should be reported as soon as possible to the clergy. A funeral is planned according to the service in the Book of Common Prayer, found on page 491.
Ashes may be interred in the church's columbarium, found in our chapel. For more information about securing a niche, contact the church office.