Amber Carswell

Debbie Schofield

David Crone
Choir Director

Barbara Mann
Parish Administrator

John Fasolo
The vestry is the governing body of the parish and shares the leadership of the parish with the rector. They meet to oversee the temporal affairs of the parish, as well as to support the rector and staff in promoting the spiritual welfare of the parish. In addition, the vestry, in conjunction with the finance committee, is accountable for the fiscal responsibility of Christ Church. Vestry members also share leadership responsibility for the ministry groups of the church.
Three vestry members are elected by the parish annually, so there are three “new” members each year, three who have served one year already, and three who have served two years. A senior warden and a junior warden are chosen for alternating two-year terms. A treasurer serves for an undesignated term. A clerk is also selected from among the vestry members.
Vestry meetings are open to all interested in attending. The meetings take place the second Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the parish hall, unless listed otherwise on the calendar.